Information for education professionals supporting pupils during the coronavirus COVID-19 pandemic

Frightening events that are widely reported in the media, such as the coronavirus pandemic, can cause pupils to worry about themselves and others. Our short guidance films and downloadable information sheets offer some guidance to help you support pupils, as well as helping manage bereavement in the school community during these challenging circumstances.

Coranavirus is dominating the news at the moment and many children and young people may be worried. Child Bereavement UK provided guidance and short films from our bereavement support team to help young people and families cope during this unsettling time.

BBC Bitesize information for young people

BBC Bitesize Coronavirus tios for parents

BBC Newsround: What to do if someone you love has died

To access all our coronavirus-related resources, including guidance for when you cannot visit someone who is ill, and information on Child Bereavement UK's services, activities and events, click here.