A Special Kind of Grief

Sarah Helton

Children with SEND (special educational needs and disabilities), especially those in special schools, often experience grief at a much younger age than others, as some of their peers are more likely to have life-limiting medical conditions. This book provides all the resources that educational professionals need to ensure their community is fully prepared to acknowledge and support pupil bereavement and loss.

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Autism and Loss

R V Forrester-Jones

“Autism and Loss” is a complete resource that covers a variety of kinds of loss, including bereavement. It includes factsheets and practical ideas which families and professional carers may find useful.

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Children, Grief and Creativity (with Julia Samuel MBE)

A short, animated film Click here to watch on YouTube.

This film offers practical advice on ways to support bereaved children and suggests that creativity can help them process their loss. It is enriched by the wisdom and words of psychotherapist Julia Samuel MBE, Founder Patron of Child Bereavement UK and bestselling author, and the research of Lesel Dawson, an Associate Professor at the University of Bristol. It is animated by Gary Andrews (@GaryScribbler), creator of ‘Doodle-a-Day’ and Finding Joy, a collection of illustrations documenting his life with his two children after his wife, Joy, suddenly died from sepsis. Gary’s children, Lily and Ben, feature in the film. Rachel Hare was the Research Associate on this project and the film was funded by the Brigstow Institute, University of Bristol.

Finding Your Own Way to Grieve

Karla Helbert 

A creative activity workbook for grieving children and teens on the Autistic Spectrum. The clear concise language will help adults communicate with children around the abstract concepts of death and grief.

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Grief in Children: A Handbook for Adults

Atle Dyregov

This fully updated second edition of “Grief in Children” explains children’s understanding of death at different ages and gives a detailed outline of exactly how the adults around them can best help them cope.

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Let's Talk About Death

Down’s Syndrome Scotland

A booklet about death and funerals for young people and adults who have a learning disability. Includes some simple text on why people die, what happens at funerals and possible grief reactions. Photographs support the text.

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Remembering Lucy: A Story about Loss and Grief in School

Sarah Helton

This touching short story will help children with SEND (special educational needs and disabilities) aged 3+ understand feelings caused by death and loss, and the illustrations help convey the complex experience of bereavement in a simple and clear way. Included is a teacher’s guide to talking about bereavement, grief and loss, making this the ideal aid for teachers and support staff at SEND schools and colleges.

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Suzie Goes to a Funeral

Charlotte Olson

Join Suzie as she goes to Grandma’s funeral and says goodbye. Suzie can help explain to a child who may be anxious about going to a funeral for the first time. A simple story to help and show what they might experience on this day.

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When Dad Died

Hollins and Sireling

This book take an honest and straightforward approach to death and grief in the family. The pictures tell the death of a parent in a simple but moving way. The approach is non-denominational. Suitable for young people and adults with a learning disability.

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When Mum Died

Hollins and Sireling

This book takes an honest and straightforward approach to death and grief in the family. The pictures tell the death of a parent in a simple but moving way. “When Mum Died” shows a burial. The approach is non-denominational. Suitable for young people and adults with a learning disability.

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When Mum Died

Hollins and Sireling

This book takes an honest and straightforward approach to death and grief in the family. The pictures tell the death of a parent in a simple but moving way. “When Mum Died” shows a burial. The approach is non-denominational. Suitable for young people and adults with a learning disability.

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