Written by Esme Johnson – Milton Keynes Group for Young People 

Over the last few weeks we were given the opportunity to create and decorate pottery of our own, for a young people's group project. The session before we started making them, we planned how they were going to look and drew a picture to represent it. I chose to do a rainbow candle holder because I believe that rainbows bring light to the world.

On the first week Andrew helped us sculpt our creations, giving us guidance on how to best represent our picture, for me it was how to make the clouds look realistic. Once we had completed them we carried them out to his van, so he could fire them in his kiln. On the second week of this, we were given our creations back. They had been fired and were ready to paint. We chose the colours that we felt best represented what we wanted to show. I chose similar colours of Child Bereavement UK for my rainbow. When we were painting, we had to make sure we cover the whole creation with around 3 layers of the paint, so it would be bright and shiny.

This experience has allowed me to express how I have got through my journey of grief, the rainbow representing the light I can now see at the end of the tunnel.