Making a star decoration can help your child talk about and remember their special person who has died and feel connected with them.

You will need:

  • Paper or cardboard
  • Some scissors
  • Some felt-pens or crayons

Picture of a young boy doing some painting


1) Cut out a star shape from paper or cardboard.

2) Ask your child to think about their special person who has died. If they had one more minute with them, what would you like to say to them, remind them of or tell them about? It might be something they would want to say to the person, a lovely memory they have, or even something they have achieved at school that they would have liked to tell them. You could prompt them by sharing your own thoughts about what you would share.

3) Now ask them to draw some pictures that represent the things they have thought about on the points of the star. They could write the person’s name or a message on the back - let your child be creative and make their star special and unique to them.

Other ideas:

You could create a special place to hang the star or stars by using a string or a piece of ribbon to make a hanger so that your child can hang their star in their bedroom, or you could hang them from a coat hanger or even a miniature tree or mobile. Your child could add to the stars when new memories or thoughts come to mind.

Watch our One More Minute film to learn what bereaved families would say if they had one more minute with their special person who has died.