Morgan, aged 25, shares why she decided to volunteer for Child Bereavement UK after receiving support when her Dad died

I couldn't possibly put into words how rewarding it is to be a volunteer at Child Bereavement UK! The staff and other volunteers are so warm and friendly and together create a real family feel.

Child Bereavement UK supported me ten years ago after my Dad passed away six months after my Nanna and Grandad. I was sixteen and, growing up, I had been very much a Daddy’s Girl so my whole world was turned upside down and I felt so alone with my loss.

I was unable to function and carry out daily tasks and someone mentioned that Child Bereavement UK could support me. To be honest I didn't see at the time how talking would help as it wouldn't bring my Dad back; in my first session, I hardly spoke. However, in my second session the bereavement support practitioner somehow managed to make me feel comfortable and safe to explore my feelings.

I honestly do not know where my life would be without the support that I received from Child Bereavement UK. Child Bereavement UK helped me to understand and normalise the grief process, helping me feel less alone and providing a safe, warm, friendly, non-judgemental space where I could share my feelings without burdening my family.

Due to the amazing support I received from Child Bereavement UK, I was able to slowly rebuild my life and focus on the positive memories I had of my Dad, Nanna and Grandad, rather than being overwhelmed by the pain of their loss. I wanted to give something back  and offer support to those who were going through a similar experience of loss and my bereavement support practitioner mentioned that there were volunteering opportunities with the charity.

Since then, I have volunteered in a number of different roles with Child Bereavement UK including helping with their ‘Dash for Dad’ fun run, staffing information stands at a local mental health hub, helping out with Christmas crafts activities and family groups, making calls to corporates, and organising two events. Volunteers help Child Bereavement UK to continue offering phenomenal free support to people like myself at what is arguably the most difficult time in their life by raising awareness and funds and working alongside the staff.

Through volunteering I’ve had the opportunity to work with children and families and support them in their bereavement journey. At the family groups I’ve clearly seen the positive influence the charity’s work has had on lives and, on a number of occasions, families have seen me months after a group and thanked me for the support given to their child. It is amazing to see the progress they make in their ability to manage feelings associated with their loss.

Something that I noticed with my own loss is how taboo death and dying is in our society, which makes it difficult for families to process their feelings and can contribute to that feeling of being alone. The work that Child Bereavement UK does allows a safe place for discussions around death and dying and helps those impacted to find a new way of living whilst carrying the memory of their loved one.

Through volunteering with the charity I’ve gained confidence, the opportunity to network,  and so many skills including communication skills and learning about ways to support bereaved people to access their feelings and normalise the bereavement process.

I am currently doing a Masters in Clinical Counselling, and would love to be able to work for Child Bereavement UK one day or specialise in bereavement counselling as I want to be able to support others in the way that I was supported.

I couldn't possibly put into words how rewarding it is to be a volunteer at Child Bereavement UK! The staff and other volunteers are so warm and friendly and together create a real ‘family feel’.

If you have been inspired to volunteer with us, please visit our volunteer jobs board, or contact our volunteering team on [email protected]