Child Bereavement UK is pleased to be working with the Yale Child Study Center, at the Yale School of Medicine in the United States, on a programme of bereavement awareness training for professionals who work with bereaved families, as well as train-the-trainer sessions to support the implementation of each course. 

The training, based on Child Bereavement UK’s well-established professional education programme, includes:

  • Introduction to loss, grief and bereavement
  • Supporting parents through pregnancy loss and the death of a baby
  • When a child dies: supporting children and families
  • Supporting families facing traumatic bereavement
  • Self-care: considering the impact of working in loss and grief on healthcare professionals


Child Bereavement UK is providing downloadable resources for a dedicated website on topics such as:

  • Care of a family when their baby or child dies in the neonatal, paediatric or the accident and emergency units
  • Care of a family when their baby dies in the maternity unit
  • A teenager’s guide to coping with bereavement
  • Building resilience in bereaved children and young people
  • How children and young people grieve
  • Children’s understanding of death at different ages
  • Explaining to young children that someone has died

These are based on Child Bereavement UK’s own information sheets, adapted by clinicians at The Yale Child Study Center to suit an American audience, with Spanish language versions also available.

The project came about as the Center identified the need for a sustainable and nationally accessible training programme to help healthcare professionals outside the mental health arena better understand and meet the needs of grieving families.