Broadcaster and traveller Ben is a modern-day journeyman who has rowed across the Atlantic, walked to the South Pole and climbed Everest. His TV programmes are watched by millions around the world and he has published his tenth book. Marina is a writer, broadcaster and antenatal teacher. The Bump Class is London’s most popular antenatal class and she produces a weekly podcast, The Parent Hood, as well as writing regularly for different newspapers and magazines.

Marina and Ben live with their two children, Ludo and Iona, and dogs, Storm and Swift, in West London. After their son, Willem, was stillborn in 2014, Marina and Ben have talked openly about loss, grief and how to talk to a young family about bereavement. Together, they featured in Child Bereavement UK's One More Minute awareness campaign, including in the film 'When a baby is stillborn' and have supported the charity by speaking at some of our special events. 

Ben said: 

I don’t think we would be as strong, and in the position that we are now, without the support we had. What I’ve taken away from it is that you don’t want a single circumstance – however unbearable or tragic – to define you, or to define you and your family. Through our role as patrons of Child Bereavement UK we are passionate about helping spread the word so that many more families can access the invaluable, professional bereavement support the charity provides.

Ben & Marina shares their 'One More Minute' as part of our award winning campaign.