Emily is a Civil Servant. She was supported by Child Bereavement UK after her second daughter, Abbie, was stillborn in September 2013.

She said: 

I wanted to support Child Bereavement UK in return for the help they have given me in finding my way through the first two years, helping me and my family develop coping strategies for managing difficult everyday situations such as parent and toddler groups, returning to work after maternity leave and difficult questions about how many children I have.

Emily has spoken on various occasions, including: on BBC R4 Woman’s Hour; at a City Law Firm’s fundraising panel, gaining their support for Child Bereavement UK; and at an event at 10 Downing St. She has contributed to Child Bereavement UK’s training materials by sharing her experiences – positive and supportive, and less so – with midwives, doctors and her employer following Abbie’s death. She has helped to raise awareness of the need for good bereavement in the workplace practice and has spoken on the subject at a Bank of England training event.

Emily also shared her bereavement experience and the support of Child Bereavement UK, read her case study to find out more.