This short animated film aims to help adults understand how grieving children can seem to move in and out of their grief, a bit like they’re jumping in and out of a puddle.

Imagine a puddle full of sad feelings; a child may jump into this puddle when someone important to them has died. But children can’t cope with sad feelings for too long, so eventually they need to jump out and do something that distracts them, like playing with their friends or going to the park.

We hope this film will reassure those supporting bereaved children that puddle jumping is normal and means a child is learning to cope with their grief.

You might also like to watch Children, Grief and Creativity, a short animated film by Creative Grieving, providing advice on supporting bereaved children and tips on how creativity can help them process their loss.

Puddle Jumping won silver in the £500k to £5m charity income category at the Charity Film Awards 2023

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